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Let’s talk about tech – IRL

Klubhaus St. Pauli und Schmidt Theater in Hamburg

Event empfehlen auf:

tchh22 | Ludicrous Speed Speed up Development with Forge Tunnel and Vite

Talk | Atlassian | 30 min | Deutsch

MI | 11:15 | Häkken

The bane of developer’s existence is the time it takes from making a change in code to seeing the result live in the application. This is no less true in the modern world of building custom UI apps with Forge.
But if you dare to be just a tiny bit experimental, there’s a world of wonder – wonderfully fast, that is!
This session will go from a fresh Forge template to using to Forge tunnel, to building Custom UI with Vite, to finally going full speed with Vite’s Hot Module Reloading.


Oliver Siebenmarck Sprecher techcamp

Oliver Siebenmarck

Polymetis Apps

Oliver is a co-founder of Polymetis Apps and is its lead architect. His love for programming began at 8 years old when his mother bought him a Commodore Plus/4. Oliver has since left BASIC behind and now is focused on building Cloud Apps for the Atlassian ecosystem. He lives, rests, codes and sometimes even teaches from his home in Laboe.

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