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Let’s talk about tech – IRL

Klubhaus St. Pauli und Schmidt Theater in Hamburg

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Frontend Testing in 2020 – Overview, Quick Tips and Best Practices

Mobile & Web Development | 30 min | Englisch

FR | 11:30 | HÄKKEN

Frontend testing has improved immensely in the last years. New tools like Cypress and a shift in testing paradigms have changed the mentality of frontend testing. Where it used to be slow, fragile and burdensome it now has become faster, more resilient and a lot easier.

This talk gives a broad overview of the testing landscape, from static code analysis, over unit, integration and end to end tests to visual regression tests. Quick tips will provide some valuable easy wins and best practices. You will learn how to write markup agnostic tests that don’t break while also increasing your team’s productivity.
No previous knowledge is required but testing veterans should still learn a thing or two.

Oskar Oldorf

Monday Consulting GmbH

Oskar Oldorf ist Frontend Developer bei Monday Consulting. Neben seiner Leidenschaft für Open Source organisiert er die Hamburg Accessibility Meetup Gruppe.


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