Liz Moy is a Developer Advocate at Evervault, a platform that provides encryption infrastructure for developers. Previously she served on the Developer Evangelism team at Twilio, scaling an international team focused on hackathons and workshops for developers at Fortune 500 companies. Her software engineering origin story started writing Python at a company where she had a mouse for a boss. You can find her console logging her way through a demo or curled up with a book next to her fluffy tuxedo cat, Sanderson.
Developer Advocate
Don't throw away the Key
What developers should know about encryption
After every data breach we see panicked headlines about cybersecurity and encryption, but as a developer what do these actually mean for us? Should they impact the way we architect systems and write code? While having a robust security team is ideal, the reality is that for some organisations, it will be up to the developers to evaluate encryption tools and libraries on top of other urgent priorities and features to ship. In this talk we’ll cover why encryption is so important, cryptography basics, the zero trust security framework, key generation and management options, and best practices around data storage. Developers will leave this talk with the confidence to decrypt confusing industry messages around data security and implement recommended practices to secure their business and customer data (preventing the next data breach headline).
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Don't throw away the Key
What developers should know about encryption
Liz Moy
Wie erkläre ich meinem Management technische Schulden?
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