Liz Moy is a Developer Advocate at Evervault, a platform that provides encryption infrastructure for developers. Previously she served on the Developer Evangelism team at Twilio, scaling an international team focused on hackathons and workshops for developers at Fortune 500 companies. Her software engineering origin story started writing Python at a company where she had a mouse for a boss. You can find her console logging her way through a demo or curled up with a book next to her fluffy tuxedo cat, Sanderson.

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Liz Moy - Developer Advocate - Evervault

Liz Moy

Developer Advocate - Evervault



Don't throw away the Key

What developers should know about encryption

Liz Moy is a Developer Advocate at Evervault, a platform that provides encryption infrastructure for developers. Previously she served on the Developer Evangelism team at Twilio, scaling an international team focused on hackathons and workshops for developers at Fortune 500 companies. Her software engineering origin story started writing Python at a company where she had a mouse for a boss. You can find her console logging her way through a demo or curled up with a book next to her fluffy tuxedo cat, Sanderson.


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